A Parent-The Hardest Job You Will Ever Love

by Debbie Twomey on November 18, 2012

Being a parent is the hardest job you will ever love. But very few of us are ever truly prepared for what it takes to be a “Good Parent” as it is certainly a learning experience. I have come to understand  this much;
1st-who determines exactly what a good parent is?
2nd-there are always exceptions
3rd– no two sets of parental/child relationships are the same
4th-not all rules apply equally
And last—all children are unique.
Anyone can have a child but not all are qualified to be a parent. Just imagine what the resume could possibly look like.
Parental Resume Job Requirements:
  • Open mind and open heart
  • Willingness to learn
  • Set appropriate boundaries
  • Live what you teach
  • Love with all your heart
  • Guide with patience and consistency
  • Prepare for the unexpected
  • Free up quality time
  • Allow for mistakes but remain firm
  • Do not lose your imagination it will come in handy
  • Cause no harm
  • Be supportive
  • Hand out hugs and praise frequently
  • Discipline
  • Give and expect respect
  • Accept limitations but expect the best
  • Follow through
  • Communicate
  • Be prepared to let go
  • Educate and be educated
  • Trust your instincts
  • Expose to the world but protect
  • Offer healthy choices
  • Provide for basic needs


Imagine the skills it involves to meet all these requirements. If you wish to become a good parent these are a few of the skills you should have and face it, how many of us are totally prepared?  Becoming a parent is said to be a “natural” step in life but to me it is growth, learning and even a bit experimental. Instinct is not all that is necessary to become a good parent (though it is good to have instincts as a skill).
So many requirements go into good parenting. Perhaps that is why it is not so peculiar to consider taking training and a test to become a parent—to secure a license. We have all seen the tragic results of when people have a child that they are not ready for or want.
The feedback I received when I asked what it takes to be a good parent verifies all this and more. Here are some of the answers:
Unconditional  love and hugs –(Patricia)
Consistency– (Angela)(Janet) (Dann– Loud and Clear)
Be the best you –(Christie)
Love support encouragement and example (Lisa)
Follow through –(Melanie)
 – so I am a bit old school, love, support, understanding of course but you also have to teach them to respect themselves and OTHERS, rules, discipline when needed and STRUCTURE. Also, learning the meaning of No does not hurt a child.– (Marianne)
spending time with them just being involved. Positive reinforcement and teaching independence. That is what builds their security and self esteem. I also am a huge advocate on reading to your kids consistently at a very young age. I ( as a single parent) read to my 4 every night for years. It was our 1 -on-1 time and I believe it is the reason my kids are all college grads and highly successful 🙂 –Karen
Boundaries- – Verda
Actions –Susan
Love, allow a voice and read to them — Maryellen
Snuggles hugs and kisses—Michelle
Parenting is the hardest job you will ever love—I believe that to be so true. And one of the major lessons I have learned is this—“You can do all the right things and still have a wrong outcome or you can do all the wrong things and have a right outcome.” So why not give this job the best you can and give your child a fighting chance in this world? Implementing all the skills suggested may not insure total success but it sure evens the playing field.
A child requires a great deal of time, work and energy and offers the greatest return on our investment. Invest in yourself and your child and become the best parent you can be.


"I have dedicated my life to the care and welfare of children. I feel privileged to share what I have learned with you. I am also committed to continuously learning.  I will keep informed of the latest information in parenting children from newborns to teens and pass it on to all of you.”   I will also use that same passion to help you create a dynasty generate increases in your business with straightforward and specialized media managing skills that guarantee your connection and scope will grow. Keep up to date reading our posts and discover valuable insights that can make parenting and succeeding in the business of the blogger– the most exciting adventure. (Debbie Twomey)

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