Comfort Connections

by Debbie Twomey on April 20, 2012


Children have a unique way of finding their own comfort when faced with fear, fatigue or new experiences and encounters. They can often find their own source of comfort and security in the midst of all the confusion of growing.
You child may become attached to a particular blanket or even a stuffed animal.  Babies between the ages of 9 months or so look for comfort Items (also called transitional object).  By the age of 2, they usually discover a substitute for their parents and find ways of comforting themselves where the first year they required mom and dad’s comfort much more. Now they are becoming more independent and trying to find ways to calm themselves when Mom or Dad cannot be there for them. The object  they choose may be a part of your child’s life for awhile.
A “comfie” can be: blanket, toy, or other familiar item that a child carries around that provides comfort and security, reduces anxiety or acts as a replacement for “mommy”… for those times when your child is separated from their parents or needing extra reassurances.Some children may need extra security. It can be the blanket they have used since they came home from the hospital or a favorite stuffed animal. Other children can become attached to strange objects like Dad’s sock or something that has significance to them.
If their comfie of choice is a blanket, they usually choose one with silk edging. The softness is what they sought most, to rub their face in, or to rub between their fingers as a form of soothing and calming. That the possession is all their own is extra security for them.
For your child, it is about control and comfort and it usually a very healthy way for them to be able to handle the many different encounters they will have that are new and sometimes, a bit scary andhelps them to form their own way of coping. This is your child’s way of developing and coping with their specific need.
Tips or Suggestions:
  • Have 2 identical ones for travel and when it needs to be washed
  • Know it is the feeling and smell they get comfort from so do not over-wash
  • It does not indicate your child has an unhealthy attachment to inanimate objects
  • It is perfectly healthy and often times, takes the place of fear for a young child                                                                                 
  • Can help bedtime routine go easier —“let’s get our lamby ready for bed” or “time to snuggle with your Wubie”.
  • Any major changes in household or routine can be made smoother if your child has their own way of comforting themselves.
But, don’t ever use the comfie as a reward or punishment—that is your child’s autonomy and should be within their control alone.
What the object is-is not as significant as what it represents-comfort. If you see your child drawn to a particular blanket or stuffed animal, offer it to them when they are fearful or upset. And always make sure your child knows where the comfie is located so they can find it when they feel they need it.
Some children may need it more often than others. I know one little boy who really like his blankies at sleep time but does not need the comfort any other time. I know other children who needed to touch their comfies often during the day, for the comfort and to know it was within their control.
Comfort attachments names: Dietz (Armenian for the blanky),blankie, zooga zooga, wubie, cold blankies, lovey, lamby cuddles, and  banky to name a few. My daughter’s favorite was a sock bunny named baby bunny that accompanied her to every outing, all hospital trips and now, resides with her in her own place (out of sight I am sure) but a treasured keepsake still.  
For the Mommy blogger, these comfort items will come in handy.  Whether it is nap time, or your child needs a little extra comfort because they are feeling sick or uneasy, that comfie can help keep your child soothed and you on schedule with your work.
A Social Media Manager can be a “comfy” for the blogging community, offering comfort, reassurance and security in the midst of chaos, clutter and questions.  Let us assist you in all your media needs—it could be a source of specialized comfort.

"I have dedicated my life to the care and welfare of children. I feel privileged to share what I have learned with you. I am also committed to continuously learning.  I will keep informed of the latest information in parenting children from newborns to teens and pass it on to all of you.”   I will also use that same passion to help you create a dynasty generate increases in your business with straightforward and specialized media managing skills that guarantee your connection and scope will grow. Keep up to date reading our posts and discover valuable insights that can make parenting and succeeding in the business of the blogging the most exciting adventure. – Debbie Twomey

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