Being A Grandmother-Ain’t It “Grand”

by Debbie Twomey on May 3, 2012


Experiencing life as a parent has always been my dream so imagine my joy when I got to adopt my daughter 13 years ago. I never imagined anything could be better or more emotional. I was not prepared for the rush of emotions and elation that becoming a grandparent would produce. Nothing compares, not at this moment in my life.
The extended family used to include the grandparents. They played a vital role in the family structure. The family was more nuclear. Today, that dynamic looks a bit different but the role of a grandparent is still vital for distinctive reasons. In some homes the role of the grandparent has been disintegrating and contact is too infrequent; grandchildren never really get to know or benefit from what a grandparent can impart.  
Factors that affect the role of a grandparent (positive or negative) in a family are:
  • Longer life expectancies
  • More homes with 2 parents working
  • Increased number of teens having babies
  • Rates of separation and divorce have risen
  • Family sizes have diminished decreasing the extended family members
  • Escalating numbers of addictions and mental illness diagnosis
  • Increased numbers of family members geographically separated               
But there are many instances where the grandparent plays a major role in bringing up their grandchildren. Homes where teen parents were unable to meet the challenge of parenting, homes where the parent is now absent due to divorce, job difficulties or behavioral issues and homes where the parent was deemed “incompetent” to parent satisfactorily. Those are special circumstance that may alter the role of a grandparent into that of a parent and this may affect how some feel about being a grandparent.
In those families, where the grandparent is nearby and active in their grandchild’s life as well as a mentor to the parents, it can be a very rewarding experience. Grandparents have unique qualities to bring into the world of their grandchild. I know I will relish my role as:
Family historian—I have a full array of stories and anecdotes to share with McKenna, about her mother, her great grandparents and the next generation back. This will go a long ways in helping form a positive reflection of what aging is all about and how important we are at any age. My memory will be her memories and hopefully contribute to her identity as she matures. Grandparents have many experiences we have lived through, historically, such as the first man walking on the moon, and so many more important moments in our culture.
Patient Teacher– even those of us who are bit “long in the tooth” tend to have more patience because well, “been there done that.” We offer encouragement, nurturing and because we have experience, we may be the best solution in the time of crisis. Not only can we be the “grandparent” we can be a role model for our grandchildren—modeling attributes such as a good work ethic, loyalty to family and teacher of time- tested skills and talents. Playing with McKenna, I find I use a totally different voice than I did with my daughter. Perhaps this is because the pressure of being totally responsible for her growth is not mine, I am not sure. I read her books, play on the floor with her and find it so pleasurable to take her on outings.
Grandma/Nonna– McKenna brings a youthful energy into my life at a time when I seem to need it most. There is such optimism because she is so brand new and such a blank slate. I possess valuable insights and unconditional love. I hope to offer encouragement and to have the wisdom to walk that fine line between parenting and grandparenting with patience, good judgment and understanding. And to recognize the boundaries necessary to be the best Grandma I can be.       
I had amazing grandparents on my Mom’s side. They were my family two of my best friends and so much more at a time when my relationship with my parents was rocky. Through them I gained valuable insights into maturing and our family history that I carry with me still. I hope to be at least that heroic to my granddaughter.
Today’s society expectations are not as clear cut as they once were but grandparents offer a boatload of knowledge and years of invaluable experience that can only enrich a child’s life. I am honored and thrilled to be a grandmother and I hope my McKenna knows just how special she will always be to her Nonna. I love the title of ‘Grandmother.”



"I have dedicated my life to the care and welfare of children. I feel privileged to share what I have learned with you. I am also committed to continuously learning.  I will keep informed of the latest information in parenting children from newborns to teens and pass it on to all of you.”   I will also use that same passion to help you create a dynasty generate increases in your business with straightforward and specialized media managing skills that guarantee your connection and scope will grow. Keep up to date reading our posts and discover valuable insights that can make parenting and succeeding in the business of the blogger– the most exciting adventure. (Debbie Twomey)



{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Ebarbagallo May 4, 2012 at 9:05 pm

What a wonderful blog and story.  I am a Grandmother, Step-Grandmother and a Great Grandmother!!

Wow, I just feel like my life is so complete and so special and I feel so lucky to be experiencing life to the fullest. 


Maz1014 May 4, 2012 at 10:57 pm

I’m loving being a grandma too and play a very active role in her life. I always wanted to move south when I retired, now that my retirement is around the corner I don’t think I can move, I would miss my baby girl too much. I don’t want to miss any of her milestones. I’ve been there since the day she was born and can’t believe how fast her first 16 months of life has gone by. Thanks for sharing this blog.


Dr Mary Starr May 5, 2012 at 6:53 am

We went to visit my grandparents with my little guy their great grandson. The joy that he brought to them was amazing.  You could just see the upliftment in their faces and hearts. 


Lauriejevans May 5, 2012 at 8:19 am

You have said it all Debbie…..being a grandmother is the best!.


Christiane Marshall June 25, 2012 at 10:51 pm

It’s all so true. Having your own children changes you, but there’s something about becoming a grandmother that I can’t fully describe. And I think the new young lives we get to hold and hug and play with regenerate and rejuvenate the soul!


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