Happy Valentine’s Day–A Child’s Heart

by Debbie Twomey on February 14, 2013


A child’s heart is full of wonder, excitement and innocence. How many times have we said to ourselves, “I wish we could bottle that (and their ENERGY)’”?  Time and experience offers us riches but nothing can be as valuable as that perfect little heart.
Most of you who read my blog know I have a little precious “heart” living with me right now. McKenna Elise Rose (or as she is normally referred to — Princess Mouse) is now 16 months old. I am in awe at how she views the world and her capacity for love.
Mouse has wrapped her love around many people since her birth. Mom, my daughter Jordan is one who gets to bask in the love Mouse radiates. This is a growing experience for her.
My best friend Ellen (her AuntE) gets to spend time weekly and play and read to her as well as buying her some of the prettiest dresses around. Both are so very blessed to have one another.
Aunt Kip who lavishes her with attention and finds the coolest clothes at Kohl’s and let’s her share the doggie kisses from Jersey and Trixie. This little girl has even melted Richie’s heart—she has THAT much personality and joy.
Then there are Mary and Jay who make life here more tranquil by being such good friends and spending time with this little bundle of activity and making our home easier to manage.
She also shares much for her time with the love of her life—Joshie. He is almost 3 years old and she adores him. His name is the first she calls when she wakes and the last she says when being put down for the night. She loves her playmate with such a pure and happy love and I know he feels the same about her.
And last but not least, there is her Nonna. She calls me Nany right now and if it never changes that is all right with me. This cherished cherub has added to my life in ways I could never adequately describe. Just know I wake to knowing I will see her sweet smile and hear her constant chatter and I fall asleep thanking God for every single moment I get to share with her.
Life has a way of going so fast that we adults forget to notice the simplest pleasures. Luckily for me, I have “Mouse’ who not only holds my heart but opens my eyes to the smallest of delights. I could be having the worst day and I look at her or she starts to imitate me tickling her hand (which she loves) and all negativity goes away.
Here is just a small fraction of what my day looks like with my toddler:
“Nany nany”—and then giggles. I come around the corner and she could either be standing there with a smile that lights up my heart or she is intently stripping and jumps up pointing her finger at me going “no no.”
We share some quiet time while she takes a morning bottle and then she will watch Sesame Street while I get dressed. Next we usually go get Joshie for a few hours and then spend time together watching learning television or dancing to Patty Shukla songs.
By then Nonna is ready for her to take a nap so I can either get my other work done or reenergize so I can keep up with her liveliness. Once she wakes again, we are off and running. It is so amazing and such a gift to watch her begin to notice her world, the snow, music, reading, new words or whatever catches her attention.
By evening I have once again run low (hey I am in my 50’s) so I try to guide her to quiet activities like reading one of her many books or learning to recognize letters or just sit together and have a serious talk about her “tickle bunny.”
I cherish each and every moment I get to share with this angel. I have grown another layer to my heart just loving her and because of her every day is Valentine’s Day in my home.
Happy Valentine’s Day from Debbie and Princess Mouse  
"I have dedicated my life to the care and welfare of children. I feel privileged to share what I have learned with you. I am also committed to continuously learning.  I will keep informed of the latest information in parenting children from newborns to teens and pass it on to all of you.”   I will also use that same passion to help you create a dynasty generate increases in your business with straightforward and specialized media managing skills that guarantee your connection and scope will grow. Keep up to date reading our posts and discover valuable insights that can make parenting and succeeding in the business of the blogger– the most exciting adventure. (Debbie Twomey)
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Ellen Barbagallo February 23, 2013 at 11:09 am

This little love of life has brought so much love and joy to so many others that are involved in her precious life.  She has touched so many lives and we all cherish every moment we get to spend with her.  She is and will grow up so quickly we must all cherish her as much as possible while we all possible can:  Love you, Mouse!


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