Instincts are basic

by Debbie Twomey on January 9, 2011

How to raise our children and choosing what type of child care will be provided are difficult topics for parents to decide. We are bombarded with so much information and well-meaning advice that we can get overwhelmed. There is a key component that does get overlooked. Even an inexperienced parent possesses this–it is instinct. Never underestimate that gut feeling, it is your inner voice. It is born of feelings we developed through our own life and lessons and it is an invaluable guide. Combine that with information and advice and you are well on the way to making healthy choices for your children. Instincts are basic and learning to trust them is essential for all parents.

So often in this world of technology, we look for answers from outside ourselves instead of within. We can gain valuable insights if we listen, read, and even heed what information is fed to us, but it is our instincts that will filter what we process. It is our common sense that will direct us once we attain useful tidbits and it is our heart that will guide us in applying it to our children.

This might seem contrary, to offer a site that shares information and stories to parents and then asks that you use your instinct but it is not. It can be very frustrating to not know what to do and just as much to have conflicting information. The pressure of making the right decisions regarding our children can force  an inability to cope with all that responsibility. That is where instincts can become invaluable.

You are your child's first teacher. You have a necessary tool in this new role, you were once a child yourself. Your memory of how you were parented will help as well as keeping a flexible attitude. One of the simplest modes of parenting is setting a good example and that is something we can do instinctively and on a daily basis.

You are fortunate to have access to a vast amount of information. It can assist you in so many precious ways but always temper it with your own good sense and your own maternal and paternal instincts. Process all of those resources together with your own belief system, your experiences and sense of right and wrong, as well as your own basic instincts. You are not striving for perfection, but rather to do the best parenting with what you have available to you at that time. That progression is constantly evolving, as are you.

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certificate of incorporation January 20, 2011 at 10:25 pm

nice post. thanks.


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