The Power of Facebook and YouTube

by Debbie Twomey on August 30, 2012

Are you aware of how much power there is in Facebook or YouTube? Many believe Facebook is merely a way to stay in touch with family and friends. Or that YouTube is crazy videos. Well they are that and so much more and there is power in what you can do on Facebook and YouTube.
Recent events have brought home just what power Facebook can exert. Yes, we all see posts from our friends—status reports, newsfeeds, even inspirational posts. But, more than that, Facebook and YouTube are social medias that allow us to share important information and events—that reach far beyond the pages we view.
We all know what happens to a video on YouTube when it goes viral. That means millions of people view that video and that means money will be generated as a result. There have been many new stars made as a result of a YouTube posting.
Now, I watch videos on YouTube but usually only if I have seen the post on Facebook first. Chances are because Facebook is so interactive and timely I will see everything there first.  While I check out other social medias too, I am on Facebook daily.
The power of YouTube and Facebook was very evident in the Karen Klein affair. Maybe you do not remember her name but you remember the video on the bus monitor being bullied. That YouTube video was viewed by over 2 million people. But I did not know who it was till it was posted on Facebook.
 YouTube has a great deal of influence—we all know there are millions of videos out there that have a major impact. But, for me, the power of Facebook enabled me to know that video was even out there. That is amazing power because as a result, Karen’s story went national and some of us bloggers wrote about the issue of bullying and Karen’s story.
Closer to home, the power is felt in another, more positive and encouraging way. Friends from high school recently added a new grandson to their family. But, Easton Dominick Friedel is not like other little baby boys. He was born with Epidermolysis Bullosa, a skin disease for which there is no cure. This horrific disease makes holding Easton difficult as his skins breaks down and blisters and bleeds.
Easton was born on Aug 23rd and already has 1100 friends on his Facebook page and 4300 views on YouTube. He is prayed for and supported by old friends as well as new ones who have seen his video and the Facebook posts that family and friends have shared. As a result, there are now donations of time, money and gift cards coming in that will help this family’s struggle. That is the power of Facebook and the wonder of YouTube.
Facebook and YouTube’s power and influence is immediate. Those posts and photographs that have been posted one day, will be seen by hundreds maybe thousands the next. This precious baby boy was featured on the local news channel as a result and is the focus of many prayer circles. That power is creating a positive effect for this little “butterfly boy.”
I cannot express adequately express just how strongly I believe the power of these 2 medias has become. They are influencing the election/political information we receive as well as human interest stories we like to share over and over. From a strictly business viewpoint, the power of these 2 medias is immeasurable.
 One afternoon, when I was feeling particularly down about some personal issues, a friend posted a YouTube (Gawker) onto my Facebook page of twins reacting to their daddy playing guitar. That simple post changed my whole day—in a positive way. 
Facebook and YouTube are very effective tools, in the business world of Social Media and in our personal lives and their power should never be underestimated.

"I have dedicated my life to the care and welfare of children. I feel privileged to share what I have learned with you. I am also committed to continuously learning.  I will keep informed of the latest information in parenting children from newborns to teens and pass it on to all of you.”   I will also use that same passion to help you create a dynasty generate increases in your business with straightforward and specialized media managing skills that guarantee your connection and scope will grow. Keep up to date reading our posts and discover valuable insights that can make parenting and succeeding in the business of the blogger– the most exciting adventure. (Debbie Twomey)


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Jfriedel33 September 1, 2012 at 8:56 pm

Thanks debbie, i do believe facebook and youtube can change the world.   It has changed ours and my family.


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