Reflections-A Precious Moment Remembered

by Debbie Twomey on December 31, 2012

kids at Nan's 1989

How will you remember 2012? Do you think of the smaller moments as precious or do you need a major occasion to qualify as a high point? Most of us consider events such as these as milestones that mark whether our year is good or bad:
  • Births
  • Deaths
  • Raises
  • Moves
  • Goals reached
  • A major event (such as a fantastic 70’s reunion for your high school classes)
  • A quiet moment spent with a loved one
  • New job
  • Graduations
However you remember this year, it does not hurt to take a moment and reflect on why this particular event affected you and what lessons can be taken away.
In a child’s life, every day is a “moment”–it is all they have for memories until they have lived longer. So it is very important to fill those moments with laughter, learning and love.  The amazing result of this is that we as parents go through “extraordinary moments” in return.
It does not take very much to create a memory or moment for a child; they are in the here and now. (Recording it for your pleasure or as a reminder for your child is always advised). They have the ability to turn a dull day into one filled with laughter and sunshine simply by singing or dancing or laughing at some silly thing we may have done.
I remember one particularly bad day for me. I had gotten some bad news and was sort of out if it when I went to pick up my niece for the night. Christy loved to come spend time with me when I lived alone in Michigan. Sometimes we went on outings to the park and others we just stayed home and baked and read books together.
This particular day was not an easy one for me but she was too young to know this. After I picked her up we went shopping and to the library to stock up on books. Later we went back to the house and just hung out. She kept erupting into fits of giggles but when I asked her what was up, she would not tell me. I could not help but respond to her delight and it helped me get past a very sad moment.
Finally after most of the day passed she revealed the source of her amusement. I had my shirt on inside out all day, at the store, the library and at home. Christy just figured it was funny Aunt Debbie’s way of tickling her funny bone and it was great success.
But what it also was is a “moment” one that we shared and that helped me through a sad day. And for me, it became a cherished memory. She may not even remember it, but I do and it became a milestone in my life.
I was fortunate to spend some valuable time with most of my nieces and nephews and hope one day they will have fond recollections of doing fun things with Aunt Debbie.
I hope that I am creating many precious moments for my granddaughter McKenna. Precious moments she will have to remember all her life (Photos are always included).
I know for me, each moment is to be treasured.                                                      holiday 031                              
One day your child will need more but for now, those precious little moments are more than enough. Enrich your child’s life, enrich their day, their year. Spend time making memories and fits of giggles and when you look back upon your life (as we all do) these precious moments will become some of the most treasured and major times of your year and of your lifetime.

"I have dedicated my life to the care and welfare of children. I feel privileged to share what I have learned with you. I am also committed to continuously learning.  I will keep informed of the latest information in parenting children from newborns to teens and pass it on to all of you.”   I will also use that same passion to help you create a dynasty generate increases in your business with straightforward and specialized media managing skills that guarantee your connection and scope will grow. Keep up to date reading our posts and discover valuable insights that can make parenting and succeeding in the business of the blogger– the most exciting adventure. (Debbie Twomey)

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

TANDEE CERTO JONES December 31, 2012 at 12:42 pm

Very nicely written, Debbie.  I wish you much succes in your endeavor and a very productive and Happy New Year to you and Mouse.  Tandee


TANDEE CERTO JONES December 31, 2012 at 12:47 pm

I was wondering what yours and others contentions are regarding pushing children into pageants and related areas such as advertising and movies?  I believe that most of us are aware that there have been few success stories showing that these children grew into an adult who was properly nurtured while growing.  My personal contention is that it takes away their childhood and pushes them to be more aware of how they are perceived on the outside rather than developing any social skills to allow them to grow into compassionate, carring and giving adults.


Ellen Barbagallo January 9, 2013 at 11:29 pm

Great blog my friend!  You are so right about pictures, videos and any way that we can remember certain moments in our lives and in the lives of our children. Memories are the best way for us to go on and hope our children grow and do the same with their beautiful families and lives.


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