Remembering A Friend

by Debbie Twomey on July 22, 2013



I would like to use my blog to share my thoughts on the passing of my two friends. In sharing I hope not only to honor them but maybe relate feelings that so many have experienced.

First was Randy who was only 54 and died suddenly. He and his wife Mary became friends while I lived in Michigan and were lifesavers when I got injured at work and was pretty much alone. Even when I moved back to New York, that bond never changed. This was recently posted on my Facebook page:  “They say true friends can go long periods of time without speaking & never question the friendship. These types of friends pick up like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been or how far away they live, and they don’t hold grudges. They understand that life is busy, but you will always love them. …..”

For 33 years this how I felt about the Wilt’s and to learn that Randy, who was so full of life and laughter was now gone just seemed impossible.

I have so many memories of my time with Randy and Mary: scary rides in their little orange Fiesta, shared meals (almost daily), country music concerts, Cedar Point, kick ball games, the birth of their daughter Shannon, photo sessions with little Randy and Shannon, a crazy hat collection, their only trip to New York for my family reunion, and many many more.

No amount of time ever changed how important these two were to me. I know that Mary is lost without her best friend and husband and I cannot even begin to imagine her grief. I wrote this poem the day after I got the news about Randy. Mary honored me by sharing it at Randy’s funeral. Only a family wedding could have kept me from attending and paying my respects.




I have a friend…

I have a friend who makes me smile whenever I remember our times together

I have a friend who helped me through some of my darkest days

I have a friend whose laugh was from the inside out

I have a friend that distance could not take away

I have a friend who drove us as crazy as he drove his cars

I have a friend whose love for life could not be measured

I have a friend whose family meant everything

I have a friend who loved to eat and made it an experience for all

I have a friend who loved country music and taught me to like it too

I have a friend who became a special part of my family

I have a friend who expected so little in life but gave so much

I have a friend that taught me so much about generosity

I have a friend who shared his family and fun with me

I have a friend who acted so strong but was a big softie

I have a friend who died on May 29, 2013…


I had a friend whose laugh and love will live with me forever.

RIP my friend Randy Wilt



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