The Adventures of Miss Mouse

by Debbie Twomey on March 20, 2014

swimming in the tub


The terrible twos did not get their name for nothing. Believe me, even after taking care of many children and raising my daughter from the age of 22 months on, I am discovering just why it has earned that reputation.

Today’s blog is simply little tales of the adventures of Miss Mouse (my granddaughter McKenna Elise Rose who is 29 months old) because, well they just shock, frustrate and even amuse me. Most of all they are just too much.

Last week alone:

McKenna decided she needed a haircut so she got on my desk (a place she has been punished for going on but…)took out the large scissors and just hacked off her bangs to brush cut level. While she was there she also found the permanent marker I had hidden from her and wrote her little signature all over my desk.

A little while later she was misbehaving and had to go sit on her bed to settle down until I told her to get up. I went to go get the mail and you guessed it, she got out of her bed and locked me out. Oh yes, I was out on the porch in the 5 degree weather seething. She can lock the deadbolt but to open she needs a chair and to keep trying. For those of you who know us, you know this is the second time she has done this and NO I do not have a key for the deadbolt to keep on the porch or it would have been there.

I have had a terrible time with colds this season so I had to finally relent and get some over the counter medication just to see or prove it makes no difference and the oils are just as effective. I had it on the top shelf of medicine cabinet and while I was retrieving laundry Miss Mouse got on toilet and got the bottle opened and poured all over bathroom floor. Yes she could have drunk some though the worst that would happen would probably be a tummy ache. I now have a bungee cord on the handles. I used to have such control that my voice alone prevented kids from repeating such actions. Not with Miss Mouse!

Lest you think I often turn my back on this precocious wild 2 year old let me put your concerns to rest. She is like Velcro, always at my side but once in awhile I request that she play alone or watches one of her shows so I can get things done. I can be right next to her and she still manages to slip something past me. It must be my age and I am just not as quick as I once was.

While snuggling in bed one morning she looks at me so serious and loving and says” I yuv you so much Nana—now tickle my back”

She is flexing her independence muscle rather strenuously and it can be trying. Her favorite Aunt Kiki was visiting her and any time she would tell McKenna to stay away from scissors McKenna would pout and walk away then rush over and hug her and say I miss you Kiki. When Kiki went to leave McK was acting badly trying to slam the door on her (she loves to have the responsibility of closing the door but not quite up to the challenge). I told her she was being rude and hurting Kiki’s feelings. McK looks at me with a puzzled look and says, “oh—- sorry about that.” It did not feel too sincere.

We had to get groceries and she rides in the cart and asks for her ‘pillow.” I always get the toilet paper first so she can lay on it. I also bring plenty of snacks and drink. When we get home she drags every single bag into the kitchen. She loves to be helpful. She started doing this trick at 12 months. She would carry a light bag in and then found she could simply drag even the heaviest so I just wait for her to bring them for me to put away.

Last night we were making pudding. Now, this is the only child I have ever had to remove the stove knobs for because she turned on a burner one time and even after being punished went to do it another time. So, I have her next to the stove at a safe distance and she pours the powder mix into pan then I place it on the stove. Before I can even react she has already shook salt into it—you think maybe she has seen me do this with other foods in that pan? I got most of it out but our pudding was not exactly sweet.

Two is the age of “I do!” They can do everything themselves and then as soon as they discover they cannot they get quite frustrated. It is the age where they think and puzzle things out for themselves. It is an age where they pay attention to everything we don’t want them too and not enough to what we want them to see. It is the age of NO and I do not care how many specialists give us these sweet little techniques of not using negative words to reinforce our feelings, when you see your toddler climbing onto the fridge cause they figured out your latest hiding place for their special treats, the first word out of your mouth is NO!

Miss Mouse is a very active, intelligent little girl. She needs to be kept busy, both physically and mentally. She has playtime with friends next door to help with this and I am discovering that like my dear friend Mary with Joshie—jumping on a mattress goes a long ways in helping burn some of that energy. But Mouse’s challenge is more mental—she likes to keep thinking and learning so she gets more time on her Leap Pad II and we got her ABCmouse (


We read every day and she also has to find ways to keep herself busy in her little kitchen or riding her bike or coloring. I found one of the best toys lately is an empty water jug and a box. The 5 gallon jug becomes a spaceship she rides on, something to push all over the house or the door to her latest fort. The box is our house that we color and sometimes drive to go see our Joshie who we miss so terribly.

This is actually only 3 days in the life of me and my little Mouse, can you believe it? McKenna is really a trip and I am so lucky to have this time with her. I must admit, tired as I can get, I look forward to each new day and I wonder what new adventure will Miss Mouse take me on today?


Check out any of her adventures at


"I have dedicated my life to the care and welfare of children. I feel privileged to share what I have learned with you. I am also committed to continuously learning.  I will keep informed of the latest information in parenting children from newborns to teens and pass it on to all of you.”   I will also use that same passion to help you create a dynasty generate increases in your business with straightforward and specialized media managing skills that guarantee your connection and scope will grow. Keep up to date reading our posts and discover valuable insights that can make parenting and succeeding in the business of the blogger– the most exciting adventure. (Debbie Twomey)


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