What is Pinterest?

by Debbie Twomey on May 14, 2012

What is Pinterest?  (Part I)
Have you pinned lately? If you are not sure exactly what Pinterest is, here is a quick analysis. Pinterest is the newest social media that combines your interests, websites, and information in a visually formatted platform. “Pinners” are sharing pins (pictures or graphics) that they find visually aesthetic, interests that they are involved in, thoughts that they find provocative, ideas for decorating or repairs, hobbies they have or photographs of anything they find appealing. Brides use Pinterest to collect dreams for their weddings, collectors pin pictures of their collections; while others just enjoy the images they discover. Pinning is one of the newest and certainly most visual of all the medias.
Facts about Pinterest:
  • Refer traffic to your websites (be sure to include a board with various blogs and links to websites, yours as well as others that may interest your pinners)
  • Pinterest drives more traffic than YouTube, LinkedIn and Google plus—COMBINED
  • Pinterest is growing rapidly
  • Unique users spend at least 15 minutes daily on Pinterest
  •  {Definition-Unique visitor, it refers to a person who visits a Web site more than once within a specified period of time, unique visitors are measured according to their unique IP addresses by checking traffic on a website}
  • Pinterest offers a visual content marketing tool unlike other social medias
  • Pinterest can increase customer engagement depending on the type of boards you create
  • You can create images and text within your “pin” and link to your website and product/services
  • Pinterest allows you to upload YouTube videos
  • Pins credit sources but you can add to that information or #hashtag the topic and add your thoughts

You can begin a Pinterest account by being invited by a friend (you can also send a request). Once you have your account you can then produce boards (or collages of your sets of pins) for any topic you have an interest in, usually once you have chosen a category. You then add or upload images and videos to your specific boards. Or you can repin from another board—searching particular interests or friends is an option within Pinterest. It is similar to scrapbooking or collecting, without all the hassle and costs.
Pin boards are created to illustrate Categories:
  1. Hobbies-Photography, Prints, Posters, Architecture
  2. Food & Drink, Technology
  3.  Fitness-Health & Wellness, Education
  4. Science & Nature, Art, DIY, Design Crafts, Home Decor
  5. Film, Music, Books
  6. Cars & Motorcycles
  7. Geek, Products, Humor
  8. Apparel, Hair & Beauty, Outdoors, Pets, People, My Life, Kids
  9. Travel & Places
  10. History, Holidays
  11. Other

 These boards are viewed by millions and are a fun and quick way to make connections or demonstrate what service or product you have to offer. You can share and save valuable, interesting, and informative topics and images and eventually like-minded people will visit your board and begin to share by repining. If you have not seen Pinterest, check out my boards at: http://pinterest.com/debbie2me/
Once you have established your own boards, you will want to check out other Pinterest accounts to discover similar interests as well as a variety of other concepts you might want to add to your own Pinterest. There are so many unique features to Pinterest and to understand it completely please come back for my next blog posts where I will go into detail so you can get the most from your “Pinning Experience.”



"I have dedicated my life to the care and welfare of children. I feel privileged to share what I have learned with you. I am also committed to continuously learning.  I will keep informed of the latest information in parenting children from newborns to teens and pass it on to all of you.”   I will also use that same passion to help you create a dynasty generate increases in your business with straightforward and specialized media managing skills that guarantee your connection and scope will grow. Keep up to date reading our posts and discover valuable insights that can make parenting and succeeding in the business of the blogger– the most exciting adventure. (Debbie Twomey)




{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Ebarbagallo May 15, 2012 at 1:41 pm

Great information Debbie:)  I will have to get involved when the mood strikes me!
Keep up the good work!


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